From the Editor
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Greetings!  This month, we are reminded of all the things for which we should be thankful.  This year has offered us many reasons to give thanks to God, as we continue to marvel at all of the wonders He faithfully performs in our lives.

At the beginning of the year, Bro. Elden McNabb and I were blessed with the opportunity to travel to India to meet the precious Saints in Trichur, Kerala.  Our fellowship with these children of God, and especially with their pastor, Bro. Philip Thomas, has been one of the great ways God has blessed us in 2006.  Bro. Thomas was hoping to come to the States to visit us this year, either for the Feast of Pentecost or for the Feast of Ingathering, but, between his mother’s poor health, and, later, his inability to get an appointment with the American Embassy to obtain a visa, it appeared he would not be able to come until sometime in 2007.  But praise be to God, because the embassy granted some interviews, and now, as the present year draws to a close, Bro. Thomas will be coming to the U.S. in late November, and will be with us in the month of December.  If the Lord wills, he will visit the Saints, both here in Massachusetts and in Oklahoma.  Thanks be to the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way.

Speaking of Oklahoma, Brother Joel McNabb moved to Tulsa earlier this year, to work with the congregation there.  Almost immediately, doors were opened, providing not only a place of employment for Bro. Joel, but much, much more. 
Pastor Joel McNabb (right) stands with
Randy Ketcherside (left) and Don Briggs in front of
their new place of worsip at
2140 S 130th East Avenue, Tulsa Oklahoma
Bro. Joel’s co-worker, Shawn Moore and his wife Angie began to fellowship with the brethren there, and they also received permission from their boss, Don Briggs, owner of Briggs Construction, to use the conference room for their services, which are now being held regularly each Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and Saturday at 6:00 p.m.  In the short time Bro. Joel has been in Tulsa, attendance has more than doubled, but there is still much work to be done.

All of these things, together with the wonderful blessings that God has treated us to here in Massachusetts, and in Orlando, Florida this year was the addition of Bro. Arturo Linaldi and his family, cannot even begin to describe the depth and breadth of the good things of God.  In fact, when compared to the experience every person has when he or she accepts the Lord Jesus in to his or her life, all other things begin to pale.

I stand in awe of the great God and Creator of the universe and all that is in it!  Every good and every perfect gift comes from Him, and He is deserving of all glory and honor.  Let us, therefore, offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name, through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Amen.

       Next Article - Jesus, the Prophet of prophets