A note from the Saints in Tulsa, OK

By Randy and Letha Ketcherside

Scenes from the Feast of Pentecost. Top photos: Worshiping in song and praise. Above: Brother Joel McNabb exhorts the saints. Bottom right: Brother Eldon McNabb gets the point across. Bottom left: Yolanda Garcia enjoys the moment in the presence of God.

Getting to be with The People of Truth at the Feast of Pentecost this year was a blessing from the Lord. He made a way for us to get there and back inexpensively and a nice place to stay, thanks to our friends, Bro. Dave & Sis. Paula Allen. Praise the Lord!

We want to thank Bro. Eldon & Sis. Zena McNabb for their hospitality and also patience with us as we learn how to live and walk in these last days before Jesus comes. Thank God for them sharing with others what He has to say through His word.

We also take this opportunity to thank all of the Brethren and their families for the teachings during the Feast. We are amazed at their comprehension of the Scriptures and how they relate to these last days. We appreciate their love for God and each other. God bless you all.