From the Editor

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I trust that God’s blessings are upon you, and pray that you all are continuing to walk in His grace and love.

As the old saying goes, "Time flies when you’re having fun." I am amazed to think that we are in the latter half of the year 2000. It is harder still for me to believe that we are already in our 3rd year of publishing this periodical. The years zip swiftly by, and, as I meditate on Jesus’ soon coming, I am awestruck at the urgency facing us Christians to set our lives in order and properly align our priorities. Truly, now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

In commemoration of Christ’s return and "our gathering unto Him," we’ll soon be celebrating our annual Feast of Ingathering here at our worship center, Source of Light Tabernacle. This year, these special services will be held Thursday, October 12th through Sunday, October 15th. We will be holding Bible Studies Friday and Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. with a lunch & fellowship break at 12:00.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings will be filled with worship. We will bless and be blessed through music, prayer and praise nightly as we prepare ourselves for the Word of God. The Feast will culminate with an additional worship service Sunday morning at 10:00. The word of truth will be expounded by various speakers throughout the weekend. All are welcome to attend this glorious time in the Lord, as we honor this – one of God’s most sacred times of the year. God has told us to keep His feasts, and has always blessed us for our obedience in doing so. Please contact us if you plan to attend, so that we can make arrangements for your stay.

I am excited about the way God is dealing with us lately, both through His word and through the doors He is opening. The time is very short, and the task before us is great. We must set our hearts, with a renewed resolve, to reach the lost for Christ and to stir up the saved for Him. The Bible says that in the last days the kingdom of heaven would be as 10 virgins "who all slumbered and slept." And so it is. The children of God have let themselves be lulled to sleep.

Many churches hold "evangelistic revivals" to reach souls with the Gospel. This outreach is a fundamental characteristic of Christianity: the effort to convert others to the one true faith. But the term ‘revival’ better suits an effort that is urgently needed today: the stirring up of those who have already accepted Christ as their Savior.

Today, it is very difficult to tell most Christians apart from their worldly counterparts. Their speech, dress and interests are nearly identical. It is time for us to wake up, shake the dust off of ourselves (and our Bibles) and separate ourselves from the world.

God is looking for a peculiar people that will show forth the praises of him who has called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. Let’s seek to be that people!

Oh, how I want to be in that number! When the saints go marching in!

God bless you all!

David M. McNabb
Editor & Bible Guy